Apr 18, 2012

Girl in a Rush

I do not doubt even for a moment that my day can be well crafted into a smarter use of time, if only common sense and logic were to come for my aid whenever I clicked my fingers. Tsk, that's not happening. Like for instance, let's chart it from the morning, where knowing that getting cabs is a difficult venture, on an insane impulse, I decide to buy a car, just like any other hapless commuter with a bulging wallet might think of, umm, few months before the frustration-driven thought struck me. Obviously, I do not have a heavy wallet, but ample impulse.
Soo, what happens next? I reach office, with a determined grip on my impulse to do what I am supposed to do. Research on cars! Yuppo, that's right. That's the kind of place that offers such thinking to progress, right? And, then, without a sound, I make an error in my work. Also, a bit of detail might have helped me before focussing on cars this morning. The fact that central bank slashed its policy rates just yesterday, will obviously help bring down loan rates. Now, wait. How did I make that link? I write on finance. (Gasp!) Aaand, the auto stocks led the rally on hopes of lower costs of vehicle loans didn't help me either. Talk about logic shutting down, albeit momentarily. Thank god, senses rebounded shortly after the error. Phew!

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