Jun 2, 2010

Dunno what gives

Labelling thoughts and emotions, wording thoughts, stringing together memories, what a way to be. A few years ago, I would pick up my fat diary, open it with my pudgy fingers, gingerly remove the dog ears, and pen few alphabets.

The online space is numbing, very not-me kinds, somehow the idea that has developed and found favour in all these years is that globally, people are connecting faster through internet, and now with technology such as hand held phones keeping you connected all the time, is a puzzle.

The idea of digitising thoughts and punching keys to make yourself heard. Or, in this case simply, read.

So, the grammar, intonations, everything has to be fashioned as per the demands of the technology we seek. We cannot scratch and overwrite or spill ink on the page anymore, or feel the guilt of bad handwriting.

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