Jan 24, 2010

For A Few Good Men! and colourful women!

This is something I haven't attempted before but what if this world was indeed a better place, you might ask. What then? Let's think together. What are your impressions? Today again, sitting with a few good gal pals of mine, we raked up quite a storm with our sometimes rambunctious, sometimes over the top, and generally curious remarks about the men in our lives. And, who's talking romance? tch, tch. This is about men who make it to our lives as friends, companions, courting kinds, approachable kinds, abhorring kinds!

For one, we don't need men who are self-obsessed, love shopping more than you do, and who definitely have only them to talk about! Seriously, we will be better off with a female friend!

We don't need men who are too mellow, and this is just us, as in, they simply turn boring. Men who are purely state of the art quiet and matter of factly aren't welcome either. And, they also raise suspicion, uh huh. (It's also a personal opinion :P)

Men who simply behave like a man cut loose! Argghh! That's the ox variety we needn't bother with for whatever purpose!

The other kind is the talkative kinds, who are good company, and are nice. Buttt...beyond a point, we run out of subjects to talk of, and well...

The next is the scared variety, who are afraid to talk to women. Period. Approach with caution and abundant care!

Next is the suave kinds, who generally show interest in your interests (hmm!), are witty and have a voice to top it all! Those men are mildly sly, and you're better off talking out stuff with them for gaining perspective!

This entry might set out a lashing from some men, but then, let me just say this much in my defence, this is just a gist of conversation and purely from the heart. There's no direct attack whatsoever and whatever similarities with real life are meant to be non-judgemental.

What about women? I'll make this quick.

We are overfed with cliches about women who yap a lot and who are generally not driven by logic, and who generally get married before they turn 25. Well, what can I say except feel bad!

Women who make much ado over nothing, are mostly tied up in colossal confusions of life. Uh. Lend a shoulder!

Women who are subtly mean and have much to talk of have some scandals hidden underneath, which generally go well with a cappuccino ;)

Women who are nice, genuinely funny and intelligent, are women I know :)

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