The weather is superrrrbbb...It was raining last night, and I love the whole thunder, lightning, showers bit. It feels so warm sitting inside and watching it. This is exactly how it felt last night. I could hear nature waking up the world at 1:30 in the night! I slept like a baby afterward. It is my dream to watch the rains from a hill top sitting on the grass.
The lawn was wet in the morning, and it remained like that in the afternoon as well. The wind was cool, and pleasant. I took a walk with a friend, and soon the sun was playing hide and seek.
The breeze continued in the evening. It felt good to be playing the guitar and enjoying the weather.Rains wash away the most dreaded feelings from the deepest recesses of the mind and soul.
The last time it rained like this was during an afternoon when I played cricket with my bro outside.
Rain drops keep fallin on my head..
Lyrical and lovely.
I too share your wish of watching the rain,the clouds and the mists from a hill-top room someday somewhere... :)
:) we will do it together, i promise!
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