Mar 16, 2009

stray memory of the weekend

What has been an absolutely delicious weekend, is turning out to be an awesome start to the week!
After a rather cumbersome Saturday afternoon of travelling back, and forth, bits of which bore me, I'll simply fly off to the evening of a bubble buying spree that landed a fabulous pendant on my neck. The next best thing, or I should be rather painfully frightened about was a soccer match, which thankfully moved to 4-1, in favour of Liv (old news, but I won't belie the importance of a wager).

After a sumptuous meal at Wimpy's, a 1954 ol' food joint, and a conversation over breaking hearts on the table, I was rather muzzled by my own ideas. I mean, how much is much, munch..

Sunday was quite unpredictable.

The luncheon, followed by gorging on books gave the mind a much-desired result- of bearing pride in your thoughts. After a serious search over books, and a Lolita and Maximum City in the arms, I toyed with the idea of buying more. I got Panic (on financial markets, a mysterious subject, even experts would agree), and I bought the new Alice Sebold produce. Quite an appetiser!

Moving on, heading home with happiness, I re-discovered the joys of using a camera to tell as it is. So, next weekend, I am all set for a freeze of time and colours as I roll out the imagination to its freaky best!


Biprorshee said...

Food for the mind and the body! Glad you had such a relished weekend.
Give me the credit for the photography bit. I brought your SLR to your notice!!! Humph!!!

Black is back said...

not at all.. the SLR is no thanks to you, thanks to Antara!